Deep ocean fishing is an experience. Regular fishermen cannot venture out into the deep blue sea without some tips and tricks from experienced and knowledgeable anglers. Online tips and various books on the subject will give you all the knowledge you may think you desire, but firsthand information and experience straight from the horse's mouth is what is most beneficial.
Fishing has become big business. Demand from hotels and domestic consumers alike have put much strain on fishermen going out into the deep seas. Trawlers and fishing vessels employ fishermen to assist them in making a huge catch which will proved to be economically beneficial. These fishermen need to be trained and educated on the various techniques of fishing to result in profits. There is more adventure in deep sea fishing. Tuna, kingfish, mackerel and red herring are some of the deep sea fish what are sourced on a commercial basis for their market value. Fishermen venturing out into the ocean should be acclimatized to riding the stormy ocean and staying out at sea for a few days at a time.
Ships or trawlers are equipped with cold storage facilities. Captains of the ships know the waters, the tides and currents and where the best catch is to be found. Ensuring safety and taking all such precautions is the need of the hour. No man should be put to risk due to neglect of safety measures.

Though live bait such as threadfin, mackerel herring, hermit crabs, lugworms, pilchards, is the best option, there are other types of bait that will be equally suitable for deep sea fishing. The trick is to offer bait which bigger fish normally feed on. A careful study of natural habitat and preying habits of large fish will give you a fairly clear picture of their food which you can use as bait to sure success. See that there are no scents or perfumes around when you are handling bait. Sunscreens and the like should be kept away and hands should be washed thoroughly after application of sun screens. Fish pick up on these scents immediately and keep far away as possible. One should also wash hands with non scented soaps and clean water before baiting. In fact one should master the technique of handling bait to the least possible extent.
When embarking on a deep sea fishing tour, select a licensed and well know tour operator, or tour company. Find out about their credentials and ask whatever questions possible to satisfy yourself before risking your life on the high seas. See that they have the proper permits and insurances required. References from previous customers can be demanded. Ask for a list of all items that need to be brought out on this trip. Check out the various forms that need to be filled in and guarantees that need to be given. Once satisfied with all these formalities then only should one set sail on the fishing adventure.
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