How to use Power Pro Lin
Simply put, PowerPro is the ultimate combination of modern technology and old-fashioned fishing knowledge.This is a handy sheet for the use of Power Pro or any other braided line.
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Using Power Pro
Spooling Up
Unlike monofilament, PowerPro will not stretch on the reel and cling to the barrel. This can result in line sliding around the barrel, which can seem like a problem with your drag mechanism. Rest assured, your equipment is fine. To avoid slippage, attach PowerPro to your spool using one of these methods:
If your reel has a hole or knob on the barrel, use it.
Leave at least 5 to 10 yards of monofilament on the reel (enough to cover the bottom of the spool) before attaching PowerPro with a Uni to Uni splice. Put a piece of compressible tape on the barrel before attaching PowerPro.
Setting the Hook
Anglers on Saturday morning TV shows often set the hook in bass like Samurai warriors beheading the enemy. This may be a fine technique with monofilament line, but PowerPro doesn't require such a violent motion. When you get a strike, relax; a gentle snap of your wrist will set the hook. Because PowerPro doesn't stretch like nylon lines, you won't get that rubber-band effect. Every inch you move your rod tip equals an inch of movement at the lure.
Setting your drag
PowerPro lines are so small for their strength that you may be tempted to set your drag higher than normal, but remember, your rod or reel may not be designed to handle the same unbelievable loads as your line. To make full use of PowerPro's amazing sensitivity without risking damage to your equipment, try one of the following tips:
1. Set your drag to match the weakest component in your tackle system.
2. Set your drag to match the size of mono line you would normally use.
3. When using ultralight equipment or line (3 to 10lb. test) set your drag to no more than 1/3 of the line's rated strength. You can check the drag with a fish scale.
At lower drag settings, a little extra line may pay out at the hookset, compensating for PowerPro's lack of stretch.
Albright Knots

For tying PowerPro to mono of larger diameter - stronger knot
1.Make a loop in the mono, and hold it with your left hand. Double 30" of PowerPro to create a 15" two-strand section. Pass this through the mono loop.
2.Wrap the PowerPro loosely around the fingertip of the hand you're using to hold the mono, then wrap the PowerPro around itself and the mono 20 to 25 times. Work toward the end of the loop, keeping your wraps tight and snug.
3.Run the PowerPro back through the mono loop so it exits on the same side it entered.
4.Wet the PowerPro, and tug on the standing line and tag end to jam your wraps tightly together, moving them toward the end of the loop.
5.Pull both standing lines to tighten the knot, then use soft-jawed pliers or a gloved hand to pull the knot tighter. Pull both standing lines at once to make sure the knot is secure.
6.Tie a Lock.
Lock Knots

To finish the Albright or Reverse Albright
1.Loop the PowerPro tag end around the standing PowerPro, then pass the tag end through this loop three times.
2.Pull the tag end to tighten the wraps, then trim your tag ends.
No Name Knots

For tying PowerPro to Fluorocarbon/Mono shock leader
1.Make figure 8 loop on leader
2.Insert PowerPro into figure 9 loop
3.Wrap PowerPro 12 times and 12 times back to the other direction
4.Insert PowerPro back into figure 8 loop
5.Cinch leader tightly
6.Pull main PowerPro slowly then pull PowerPro tag-end slowly and pull both main and tag-end of PowerPro tightly
7.Make a half hitch twice on tag-end
8.Cut the tag-end of PowerPro and leader
Palomar Knots

For tying terminal tackle - easy knot
1.Make a 10" loop in the line, then pass it through the eye of your tackle.
2.If the eye is big enough, pass the loop through a second time.
3.Tie a simple overhand knot, but don't pull it tight.
4.Pass your tackle through the loop.
5.Pull on your standing line to tighten the knot, then trim
Reverse Knots

For tying PowerPro to mono of larger diameter - easy knot
1.Double your PowerPro, leaving a 1/2" loop at the end. Wrap the PowerPro around the mono 10 to 12 times, leaving your loop open and opposite the mono tag end.
2.Pass the mono tag end through the PowerPro loop.
3.Pull on both lines to tighten the knot, jamming the wraps together.
Tie a Lock.
Uni Knots

For tying terminal tackle-stronger knot
1.Pass the line through the eye of your tackle at least twice, leaving 12" for your knot.
2.Loop the tag end around the standing line, then pass the tag end through your loop 8 to 10 more times.
3.Pull the tag end to tighten the knot, making sure the 8-10 wraps snug down neatly.
4.Pull the standing line to jam the knot against your tackle eye, then trim the tag end.
Uni to Uni

For tying PowerPro to mono of similar diameter
1.Lay PowerPro and monofilament parallel, with 12" to 18" tag ends facing opposite directions.
2.Loop the tag end of the mono around both lines, then pass the tag end through your loop 5 to 6 more times. Pull the tag end through your loop 5 to 6 more times. Pull the tag end to tighten the knot, making sure the wraps snug down neatly.
3.Repeat step #2 using the PowerPro tag end, but use 8 to 10 wraps.
4.Pull on the standing lines to jam the two knots together tightly.
5.Trim the PowerPro tag end about
Wind on Leader Knots

For Loop to Loop connection between PowerPro to Shimano Wind-On Leader
1.Make Bimini-twist on PowerPro main line
2.Pass loop on Wind-On Leader through loop of PowerPro
3.Hold both main line loop and wind-on loop by two fingers, pass end of Wind-On through the main line loop. Pass end of wind-on through the main line loop again
4.Repeat this 2-3 times
5.Slowly pull both lines by making even lengths and cinch to complete
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