Fishing For Freshwater Trout

Trout is the most common freshwater fish. They are equal to any other of the sport fish and they stand at the top of the food chain in most rivers and streams where they live. Years ago, a successful angler was judged by how many of these popular fish he could catch at one time, but now the wise angler practises catch-and-release tactics so the numbers of trout will always be plentiful. Part of what makes an angler a responsible one is caring for the sport of fishing and fish populations for generations to come.
The most popular trout fish that anglers enjoy trying to lure in is known as the “brown trout”. The brown trout provides plenty of excitement for anglers and tests fishing skills. Because it often feeds on the surface, the brown trout is considered a fish designed for the angler. It is a cold-water fish that lives in lakes and streams and jumps around the most when the water temperature is just right The brown trout got its reputation from rich English gentleman who enjoyed the trout’s fight. The world record brown trout weighed around forty pounds and was taken in Arkansas in 1992.
One of the most the most glamorized fish of the trout family actually is not a trout at all. Surprisingly, scientists have recently discovered the rainbow trout is actually a smaller cousin of the Pacific Salmon. Rainbow trout are considered a peaceful fish despite their family heritage. They coexist with any other fish in the stream. While the brown trout prefers slower water and calmer pools, the rainbow trout likes the more oxygen-rich fast running water. That enthusiasm makes the rainbow a favourite of the angler.
There is yet another trout that is not actually a trout. The Brooke trout or “brookie” lives in the cooler streams of the north-eastern US and is related to the char. This makes it a relative of the lake trout rather than a member of the family. Because the fish is only found in wilderness areas, the Brooke trout is a special favourite with anglers. Wherever they’re found, fisherman can be sure the water is pure and the ecology unspoiled. The “brookie” is often criticized for being pretty but not necessarily smart. Although anglers praise them for their beauty, it’s well known that there are harder fish to catch. The world record for the biggest Brooke trout takes place in Canada in 1918. A fourteen-pound “brookie” was caught in the Nipigon River in Ontario, Canada.
Other trout species include the red trout, a species that enjoys hiding in bracken and branches, and the deeper-water lake trout. Current population control laws protect the lake trout, requiring anglers to release catches that measure certain sizes. The size of the lake trout indicates its potential to spawn and release fertilized eggs. With continued programs of trout population protection and responsible fishing, the trout will certainly continue to survive for generations to come.
Source: Trawlingtips