Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Going On A Fishing Charter: What You Need To Know


Heading out on a fishing charter expedition can be a unique and rewarding experience. Like a trusted tour guide, your captain can bring you to the fish, saving you from dreary hours of wondering what you might be doing wrong. To prepare, read this article.
Heading out on a fishing charter expedition can be a unique and rewarding experience. Like a trusted tour guide, your captain can bring you to the fish, saving you from dreary hours of wondering what you might be doing wrong. Not only can it be a great trip for experienced anglers, it is perfect for people who have done very little in the past and would like a way to enjoy the sport as it was meant to be enjoyed. Before you start planning your trip, however, there are a few things you should make yourself aware of.

For one thing, don’t expect to book a good charter fishing boat for tomorrow morning. Good captains will have plenty of business, especially when the fish are biting. Plan out your trip and try to book the boat at least a couple of weeks in advance. Some of the busier captains may even require you to make your reservation earlier than that. Remember to shop around as well. Just because you see someone’s advertisement on the internet or in a local brochure doesn’t mean they have anything worth offering. Ask around and see who has a good reputation in the community.

Remember to ask questions about the fishing charter expeditions themselves. Obviously, not all boats and captains will offer the same kind of fishing. If you want to fish off the bottom, you need to find a boat that offers that type of experience. Inquire about prices, especially when you are getting more detailed or are asking for things that may not be offered in the general, basic package. You may also want to see whether this will be a trip just for you and your party or if you’ll be sharing it with other sportsmen.

Speaking of the details, don’t forget to ask about the little things. Many fishing charter expeditions are quite lengthy, which means you will probably be getting hungry and thirsty before the trip is finished. Find out if these refreshments will be provided or if you should bring your own provisions. Likewise, if you enjoy a drink or two while out on the boat, you need to make sure the boat you’re thinking of hiring actually allows such a thing. Not all of them do.

Finally, remember that the captain will expect a tip at the end of your expedition so make sure you bring some cash with you when you go. There is often very little margin between the upkeep and the profit, so tips are where the captain makes his moneyArticle Submission, even if he owns the whole business. Take care of him just as he took care of you. 

Source: Free Articles from

Manfaat Daun Pepaya Untuk Kesehatan

Manfaat Daun Pepaya – Pastinya sobat sudah pada tau apa itu pepaya, pohon pepaya selain buahnya yang dikonsumsi serta rasanya yang enak, ternyata semua bagian-bagian dari pohon pepaya ini, mulai dari daun pepaya, buah pepaya, batang, hingga akarnya pun memiliki khasiat serta manfaat yang sangat bagus untuk kesehatan.
Tapi mungkin, beberapa di antara sobat masih ada yang belum mengetaui itu semua, maka dari itu admin Artikel Terkait akan membahas mengenai manfaat daun pepaya dimana terkenal dengan pahitnya serta banyak orang yang tidak suka dengan bagian pohon pepaya yang ini termasuk saya sendiri.
Tapi siapa sangka, dibalik pahitnya rasa daun pepaya, ternyata terdapat berbagai khasiat serta manfaat yang bisa mengobati berbagai macam jenis penyakit. Tapi untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut ini 6 manfaat daun pepaya untuk kesehatan.
Manfaat Daun Pepaya

6 manfaat daun pepaya untuk kesehatan

1. Menambah Nafsu makan
Jika Daun Pepaya dikonsumsi tentunya akan mengobati rasa lapar tapi selain itu, Daun Pepaya juga dapat menambah nafsu makan. Jika anda malas makan atau tidak ada nafsu makan, silahkan ikuti resep berikut yang bisa meningkatkan nafsu makan anda.
Ambil lah daun pepaya yang segar, masih muda dan berukuran telapak tangan, tambah kan sedikit garam dan air hangat setengah cangkir atau 200cc, Campur semua lalu diblender. Kemudian saring airnya lalu tambahkan 2 sendok madu, kemudian aduk hingga tercampur rata dan minumlah selagi masih hangat. Buat dan minumlah hingga nafsu makan kembali normal.
2. Sebagai Obat Jerawat.
Jerawat adalah musuh utama bagi semua orang. Salah satu faktor yang membuat anda tidak pede yaitu Jerawat. Jadi bagi anda yang memiliki jerawat bisa mengikuti tips di bawah ini dan tentunnya menggunakan daun pepaya sebagai masker.
Cara membuat masker dari daun pepaya : Pertama, ambil 2 sampai 3 lembar daun pepaya atau sekitar 30g yang agak tua, kemudian jemur hingga daun pepaya menjadi layu terus haluskan. Kemudian tambahkan 1 setengah sendok air bersih atau 30cc, kemudian buatlah jadi masker untuk mengobati jerawat anda.
3. Mengobati demam berdarah
Untuk penderita demam berdarah, atau yang tengah alami gejala demam berdarah sangat dianjurkan untuk mengonsumsi daun pepaya. Karea daun pepaya mempunyai kandungan yang dapat mengobati atau menetralkan gejala demam berdarah yang dikarenakan oleh nyamuk.
Ambilah 5 lembar daun pepaya muda. Tambahkan 1/2 liter air kemudian rebus hingga tinggal tiga perempatnya saja atau satu gelas, kemudian tambahkan sedikit garam, madu 2 sendok (baca: manfaat madu). minum pada saat hangat. Buat 3x sehari sampai gejala demam berdarah sembuh.
4. Meningkatkan Produksi Air Susu Ibu (ASI)
Tentu anda sering kali melihat ibu yang baru saja melahirkan dan kerap mengonsumsi daun pepaya ? cobalah apa yang ada di pikiran anda? Seorang Ibu yang tengah melahirkan banyak mengonsumsi daun pepaya dikarenakan untuk Meningkatkan Produksi Air Susu Ibu (ASI). Daun pepaya sangatlah bagus dikonsumsi untuk ibu yang tengah menyusui.
5. Melancarkan pencernaan
Daun Pepaya memiliki kandungan kimia senyawa karpain dapat membunuh mikroorganisme yang kerap mengganggu sistem pencernaan pada manusia. Bagi anda yang memiliki masalah dengan pencernaan, dapat mengonsumsi Daun Pepaya baik itu dengan cara dimasak atau pun dibuat jus.
6. Sebagai Anti kanker
Sebuah penelitian tentang kandungan milky latex (getah putih) yang ada pada pohon pepaya yaitu sebagai penawar anti kanker. Dalam penelitian tersebut disimpulkan bahwa manfaat daun pepaya juga dapat dikembangkan sebagai anti kanker, bahkan batannya pun dapat digunakan sebagai anti kanker.


Daiwa Saltiga® Dog Fight Reel Model SATG7000 HDF

Versi terbaru dari Daiwa Saltiga® “​​Dog Fight” Reel Model SATG7000 HDF ini mempunyai kekuatan bodi rumah dengan fitur terbaru yang berkinerja sangat baik. Kapasitas Spool terpasang 550 meter untuk tali pancing jenis kepang atau fluorocarbon ukuran 80lbs dan drag dapat distel pada batas tegangan maksimum 65lbs.
Fitur Pro kelas yang dirancang untuk keandalan maksimum dan fungsi lurus ke depan, seperti pengguna jaminan perjalanan yang menghilangkan masalah semi jaminan dan rem rotor sederhana yang mencegah rotor bergerak selama gips dan penutupan jaminan oleh kecelakaan.
Seperti pemenang penghargaan Daiwa Saltiga® “​​Dog Fight” Reel Model SATG7000 HDF musim lalu, Melawan fitur teknologi Daiwa Mag Seal, menggunakan film tipis minyak magnetik untuk menjaga air asin dan puing-puing dari memasuki rotor bantalan reel itu. Metode ini menawarkan gesekan berliku substansial kurang daripada akan segel karet biasa.
Rotor adalah Zaion ringan ® Karbon komposit. Berbagi kekuatan dasar yang sama dan peringkat berat badan Magnesium, rotor ringan tahan terhadap korosi air asin. Ini ringan, dikombinasikan dengan rendah gesekan Mag Sealed bantalan rotor, memberikan yang sangat responsif, terasa halus ketika berliku.
Daiwa Saltiga Dog Fight SATG7000HDF
Product Features :
  • Mag Sealed waterproof body
  • Air Rotor of Zaion Carbon composite
  • Air Bail®, tubular  stainless with no protrusions to trap line by accident
  • 54.6” of line per handle crank
  • Ultimate Tournament Carbon drag with a Drag Max of 66 lbs
  • 14 ball bearings (two CRBB) plus roller bearing
  • HardBodyz® Aluminum body and cover
  • Digigear™ digital gear design for speed, power and durability
  • Large line capacity, holds 440 yards of 100 lb Samurai Braid
  • Laser engraved logo
  • Machined handle with oversize handle knob
  • Reliable, manual bail trip
  • Silent oscillation
  • Automatic rotor brake keeps rotor stationary when bail is open
  • Forged Aluminum spool w/ Titanium Nitride SVS spool ring and carbon inserts

Daiwa Saltiga Dog Fight SATG7000HDF

Air Rotor made from Zaion carbon composite
Air Rotor made from Zaion carbon composite, the Air Rotor weighs up to 15% less than ordinary rotor designs. Its unique shape reduces unnecessary weight while distributing stress more evenly throughout the rotor for maximum strength.

Magnetic Oil
Magnetic Oil is one of a new generation of Nano Fluids that can change density and shape when a magnetic field is applied.
AirBail® is super strong yet light in weight, with no protrusions to snag line.
Daiwa Saltiga® “​​Dog Fight” Reel Model SATG7000 HDF sangat baik untuk dipakai pada turnamen nasional maupun internasional, Reel dari daiwa ini adalah reel yang paling ekstrim dan kuat, terutama untuk menghadapi manuver-manuver ekstrim dari monster samudera di kedalaman air maupun di permukaan air. Rekomendasi bagi semua pemancing profesional yang hobi berpetualang ditengah samudera dalam.
Dapat dikombinasikan dengan joran Daiwa Saltiga® Jigging maupun joran Daiwa VIP Conventional, cocok untuk mancing Jigging atau Popping dan tidak menutup kemungkinan untuk dipakai pada teknik mancing kasting maupun trolling.


Find Out Why Fishing Is So Popular

Image result for fishing

If you have never fished before, you might try it after learning the positive aspects of this sport. Get to know why so many people like fishing.
If you are not into fishing, you should consider changing your mind about this popular activity. You don't have to like seafood to enjoy this sport. You do not even have to like the actual act of sitting around, waiting for a fish to bite. Instead, focus on the other reasons that many people enjoy this hobby.

If you go fishing alone, you get a chance to relax in peace and quiet. Nothing is more peaceful than nature, not even the library, so you get a chance to collect your thoughts alone. Whether you are sitting in a boat in the middle of a lake, or simply relaxing on the ledge of a pier, you will find this time peaceful. If you rarely get a chance to sit alone with your thoughts, you should check out this hobby. You might not burn as many calories as you would with other sports, but with fishing, it is not about the calories. It can be about what you make it, so whether you fish to feel impressed by the number of sea creatures you can catch, or just like being alone while you think, this sport may be perfect for you.

If, on the other hand, you prefer social activities instead of solitary ones, you may still be interested in this hobby. This is because many people fish together. You can gather a large group of friends to join you on a boat or pier, or you might just choose one or two friends or relatives to go with you. You can get some serious conversations in, or you might choose to simply joke around the whole time. It is all up to you and the people you decide to fish with. Even if your friends do not normally take on this activity, you should give it a chance to impress you and your loved ones.

Of course, many people go fishing just because they like a challenge, and want to see how many fish they can catch. If you are competitive, you can make it a game to see which member of your group catches a sea creature first, or which one catches the most during the day. If you prefer to beat your own personal best, you can simply try to catch more every time you go out to the lake, pond, or ocean. Whether you are good or bad at this sport, you will likely enjoy the challenge it poses to people of all skill levels.

If you are ready to try fishing now that you know the appealing aspects, you need to get the right gear. Consider even starting out with a charter given by a company that can teach you the basics and help you have a fun time on your first trip. There should be a few to choose from in every areaFree Articles, so start looking for one today.
Article Tags: Many People
Source: Free Articles from


If you are interested in new orleans fishing, perhaps you should investigate a charter! Learn more at

Sunday, 10 May 2015

Pulau Perhentian